Online event in Zoom on November 6th 2024, 15:00-17:30 CET
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Summary of the symposium in pdf.
As we approach 2050, the global population is projected to reach 9 billion, according to OECD estimates. Concurrently, the demand for water is expected to increase by 55%, energy consumption by 80%, and food production by 60%. These surging demands will undoubtedly exert significant pressure on land use and resource management. In this context, the integration of Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus thinking becomes critically important. Addressing these interconnected challenges through a holistic approach is essential to ensure sustainable development and resource efficiency in the face of rapidly growing global needs.
In this symposium, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF nexus research. We invited well-known keynotes and prominent early-career scientists to cover a wide range of topics including global change impacts in relation to the availability and quality of water resources and water use, the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus, and many more. Sounds interesting? Then see you in November!
- 3 PM: welcoming words by Rick Hogeboom (Water Footprint Network)
- 3-4 PM: “Water quality and sustainable water systems” keynote speech by Michelle van Vliet (Utrecht University)
- 4-5 PM: presentations by early career scientists on different WEF aspects:
- Drought and heatwave impacts on sectoral water use and interaction with water quality by Gabriel Cardenas Belleza (Utrecht University)
- Using System Dynamics participatory modelling to support international river basin policy discussions: The case of the Lielupe River Basin (Lithuania and Latvia) by Henry Daniel Amorocho Daza (IHE Delft and Delft University of Technology)
- Water and energy: Quantifying the energy consumption of water treatment technologies by Michele Magni (Utrecht University)
- Transboundary Water Management in Syr Darya Basin, Central Asia: Water Footprint Accounting and Serious Game by Gautamee Baviskar and Meadow Poplawsky (University of Twente)
- 5-5:30 PM: closing words by Mar Rubio-Varas (INARBE-Public University of Navarra)

If you have any questions, please reach out to the symposium organizing committee:
- Diego Sesma – diego.sesmam[at]
- Han Su –[at]
- Maite Aldaya – maite.aldaya[at]
- Meadow Poplawsky – m.k.poplawsky[at]
- Gautamee Baviskar – g.s.baviskar[at]
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